Edmonton Tumblewood Lapidary Club is having a two day action on September 21 and 22. This is an estate sale with extremely good material and equipment.
Items Ed Zeschuck has in the upcoming auction EZ1Obsidian, dino bone EZ2flower stone EZ3bruno jasper EZ4amazonite EZ5tiger eye EZ6mohogony obsidian EZ7jade EZ8dino bone EZ9crystal cut EZ10cerium oxide EZ11cerium oxide EZ12tin oxide EZ13tin oxide EZ14aluminum oxide EZ15aluminum oxide EZ16aluminum oxide EZ17white rouge EZ18linde A EZ19SISA EZ20rotonstone EZ21wood bowls EZ22soapstone EZ23soapstone EZ24alibaster EZ25banded jasper EZ26crystal cut EZ27wood EZ28wood EZ29display stands EZ30gear box EZ31leather polishing pads EZ32polishing pads EZ33polishing pads EZ34sea shells EZ35bearig/shaft combo EZ36lapidary rocks EZ376 inch disk EZ38crystal display EZ39dino bone EZ40shaft adapters EZ41disk holder EZ42metal dops and holder EZ43buffing motor unit EZ44carbonized pet wood EZ45projector