Notice to members
Could be the last chance to get out and pick from an amazing collection. This is a cash and carry rock pick. SUPERDEAL ANNOUNCED TODAY - MEMBERS ONLY. For members that are planning to come out for the day, RSVP your intent to come out before 12:00pm (midnight ) Friday Sept 13th and for $100 you can buy all the rock you can put into your vehicle. If you do not RSVP, all rock picked will be $2 /pound . Cash is required. Lunch will be available. Please RSVP ([email protected]) if you plan on attending so that we know how much food is required.
Could be the last chance to get out and pick from an amazing collection. This is a cash and carry rock pick. SUPERDEAL ANNOUNCED TODAY - MEMBERS ONLY. For members that are planning to come out for the day, RSVP your intent to come out before 12:00pm (midnight ) Friday Sept 13th and for $100 you can buy all the rock you can put into your vehicle. If you do not RSVP, all rock picked will be $2 /pound . Cash is required. Lunch will be available. Please RSVP ([email protected]) if you plan on attending so that we know how much food is required.
Our club is having an auction on September 21 and 22 at the Athlone community hall
More information will be forth coming so keep checking our website
More information will be forth coming so keep checking our website
click here (Link to pictures of material and equipment in the auction)
The next club meeting will be in September 19, 2024 at the Collingwood-Lymburn Community Hall 18740 - 72 Ave NW Edmonton.7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Club shop is at 9403 20th avenue. New shop is opened on Tuesdays, Thursdays (7 to 9 pm)and every second
Saturday of the month (1 to 5 pm). The large saws are still available on request.
Club shop is at 9403 20th avenue. New shop is opened on Tuesdays, Thursdays (7 to 9 pm)and every second
Saturday of the month (1 to 5 pm). The large saws are still available on request.
The Edmonton Lapidary Club is a registered non-profit society dedicated to promoting the lapidary hobby in the Edmonton and surrounding area.
Club activities include education and social events. Rock hounding trips are organized during the year, weather permitting. The club provides a fully equipped lapidary workshop for member's use. Members (14 years and up) wishing to use the shop must be certified by the shop foreman. Classes are offered by members featuring various lapidary and jewellery skills.
Club activities include education and social events. Rock hounding trips are organized during the year, weather permitting. The club provides a fully equipped lapidary workshop for member's use. Members (14 years and up) wishing to use the shop must be certified by the shop foreman. Classes are offered by members featuring various lapidary and jewellery skills.