Shop Rules
The person responsible for the overall operation of the ETLC shop is the Shop Coordinator. This person is ultimately responsible to the club President and membership.
The shop coordinator oversees all aspects of the shop. There are shop assistants that help out in the running of the shop and are responsible to the shop coordinator.
Therefore if it is noticed that members are not using equipment properly and/or are cutting materials not allowed the member will be informed to cease immediately what they are doing.
The shop coordinator will be the final authority in these matters.
If a member damages equipment by not following instructions or proper procedure the member will be responsible for the repair of that equipment. After repairs the member will submit for reimbursement the bill for the repair of the equipment to the treasurer. For example: if a member damages a saw blade they will be held responsible for the repair and/or the purchase of a new blade.
A member can be banished from the club for one year by a vote of the general membership if they are deemed negligent in willfully damaging shop equipment.
There are notices on the walls and equipment in the shop instructing members on what can and can’t be cut in the saws. For example: the trim saws. These are used for trimming and not slabbing.
As with any shop common sense prevails. If you think that cutting a rock at home is dangerous then don’t bring it to the shop and try to cut it. If it’s dangerous at home then it’s dangerous in the shop!
No horsing/goofing around will be tolerated. There is a lot of moving equipment in the shop and anybody falling against a rotating arbor will be injured.
There are instruction manuals for some of the equipment and a member should become familiar with them.
Don’t be a shop “hog”. It’s OK to be using a couple of the saws for cutting your materials at the same time but if there are others waiting to use a saw then let them do so. Use one saw at a time.
Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages be allowed in the shop area. This also includes the meeting room. Also if any member shows up under the influence of alcohol they will not be allowed in the shop proper and be asked to leave.
The shop coordinator oversees all aspects of the shop. There are shop assistants that help out in the running of the shop and are responsible to the shop coordinator.
Therefore if it is noticed that members are not using equipment properly and/or are cutting materials not allowed the member will be informed to cease immediately what they are doing.
The shop coordinator will be the final authority in these matters.
If a member damages equipment by not following instructions or proper procedure the member will be responsible for the repair of that equipment. After repairs the member will submit for reimbursement the bill for the repair of the equipment to the treasurer. For example: if a member damages a saw blade they will be held responsible for the repair and/or the purchase of a new blade.
A member can be banished from the club for one year by a vote of the general membership if they are deemed negligent in willfully damaging shop equipment.
There are notices on the walls and equipment in the shop instructing members on what can and can’t be cut in the saws. For example: the trim saws. These are used for trimming and not slabbing.
As with any shop common sense prevails. If you think that cutting a rock at home is dangerous then don’t bring it to the shop and try to cut it. If it’s dangerous at home then it’s dangerous in the shop!
No horsing/goofing around will be tolerated. There is a lot of moving equipment in the shop and anybody falling against a rotating arbor will be injured.
There are instruction manuals for some of the equipment and a member should become familiar with them.
Don’t be a shop “hog”. It’s OK to be using a couple of the saws for cutting your materials at the same time but if there are others waiting to use a saw then let them do so. Use one saw at a time.
Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages be allowed in the shop area. This also includes the meeting room. Also if any member shows up under the influence of alcohol they will not be allowed in the shop proper and be asked to leave.